O Wordpress naum seria tudo q ele é se naum fosse pelos plugins, e lógico por todas as pessoas q desenvolvem esses plugins.
O Wordpress é só um blog engine, ele contém todas as features de gerenciamento dum blog, mais os desenvolvedores dele (até por ele ser gratis) se concentram apenas nas features essenciais, tornando ele simples e garantindo q o essencial seja de ótima qualidade e tenha ótima estabilidade. Além da engine interna, ainda existe a necessidade duma theme e de plugins.
A theme contém todo o "visual" do site, é quase tudo q os visitantes vêem qd visitam o site. Ela determina a quantidade de sidebars, o posicionamento dos posts, o layout do site, o menu de pages (páginas), etc.
A theme é oq diferencia um blog de outro, ela tem a nossa cara. Existe milhares de themes grátis q milhares de desenvolvedores disponibilizam de graça. O Wordpress até vem com 2 ou 3 themes, só q elas são tão básicas q acabam sendo só modelos de exemplo pra desenvolvimento de novas themes e base pra teste de features, eu pelo menos nunca vi um blog q usasse alguma dessasa themes, pelo menos sem nenhuma modificação... Por isso, toda pessoa q quer montar um site vai nas listas de themes, escolhe a q combinar melhor com as necessidades dele, e passa a usar. Se possível, a gente tb customiza a theme escolhida, tornando ela exclusiva.
Só q aí a theme tb fica sobrecarregada. Como o Wordpress em si é só um "núcleo interno", deixando a cargo de terceiros desenvolver o "visual" do site, ficaria muito sobrecarregado deixar todo esse trabalho só pras themes. É melhor deixar nelas só a função de exibição dos elementos básicos (como cores, fonts, posicionamento de comments, etc), e deixar coisas mais complexas (como as widgets q ficam nos sidebars, threaded comments, preview de comments, features de gerenciamento, etc) de fora das themes.
Isso é importante 1º pra simplificar o desenvolvimento das themes, permitindo q os desenvolvedores se concentrem nos elementos básicos, simplificando o desenvolvimento, e assim permitindo uma variedade maior de themes pra escolha. E 2º pq permite uma modularização: imagina se vc encontrasse uma theme com uma feature interessante (por exemplo, a capacidade de gerar uma página pra impressão, ou enviar o post por email pra um amigo, ou uma coleção completa de links pra sites de bookmarks), só q ela naum tivesse o "visual" q vc deseja, inqt q vc encontrasse outra theme com o "visual" ideal mas sem as features q vc quisesse.
Por isso, tudo q é mais complexo, fica a cargo dos plugins. Eles mudam totalmente a experiência de usar o Wordpress, ao ponto q uma pessoa q tiver o 1º contato com ele já com vários plugins instalados, se depois tentar usar sem os plugins vai rejeitar o site e exigir a instalação, ou pq o gerenciamento do blog ficou mais "amarrado" ou pq uma widget q ela até pensava ser parte da theme sumiu.
Acontece, q inqt todo desenvolvedor de themes já coloca na parte de baixo das suas themes o nome da theme e um link pro seu site, os plugins naum tem essa mesma sorte. Inqt cada blog usa só 1 theme, cada blog usa em média 5 plugins (eu uso dezenas!). E ninguém gostaria de ceder boa parte do espaço do site listando todos os seus plugins, e assim os plugins acabam recebendo muito menos 'love' do q as themes. Pior, normalmente vemos features em blogs q nem conseguimos saber qual plugin implementa akilo, e precisamos sair procurando ou perguntar pro dono do blog.
Mais agora nossos problemas se acabaram-se!! O 3º maior desenvolvedor de plugins pro Wordpress desenvolveu um plugin com a finalidade de automaticamente listar todos os plugins instalados no Wordpress! Então basta criar um post como esse e ativar o plugin, e ele vai listar tudo pra gente sem nenhum esforço!
Dito isso, segue todos os meus plugins, com um grande agradecimento a todos os desenvolvedores q doam seu tempo pra nos ajudar:
Plugins Used
There are 69 plugins used: 51 active plugins and 18 inactive plugins.
Active Plugins
Add Meta Tags (http://www NULL.g-loaded NULL.eu/2006/01/05/add-meta-tags-wordpress-plugin/)
» George Notaras (url (http://www NULL.g-loaded NULL.eu/))
Adds the Description and Keywords XHTML META tags to your blog’s front page and to each one of the posts, static pages and category archives. This operation is automatic, but the generated META tags can be fully customized. Also, the inclusion of other META tags, which do not need any computation, is possible. Please read the tips and all other info provided at the configuration panel.
Adsense-Deluxe (http://www NULL.acmetech NULL.com/blog/adsense-deluxe/)
» Acme Technologies (url (http://www NULL.acmetech NULL.com/))
Place Google AdSense ads in your WordPress Posts. Requires WordPress 1.5 or higer. For complete usage and configuration click on AdsenseDeluxe under the “Options” menu.
Advanced Tagline (http://kmorey NULL.net/downloads/advanced-tagline-wordpress-plugin)
» Kevin Morey (url (http://kmorey NULL.net))
This plugin gives the option to have multiple taglines for your blog and display them at random or sequentially with each page view
Akismet Anti-Spam (https://akismet NULL.com/)
» Automattic (url (https://automattic NULL.com/wordpress-plugins/))
Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. It keeps your site protected even while you sleep. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key.
AStickyPostOrderER (http://pixelplexus NULL.co NULL.za/blog/2007/11/20/plugin-to-change-wordpress-post-order/)
» AndreSC (url (http://pixelplexus NULL.co NULL.za/))
AStickyPostOrderER lets you customize the order in which posts are displayed per category, per tag, or over-all, in WordPress 2.3+ blog. Useful when using WordPress as a Content Management System. Now with the ability to override itself.
AVH First Defense Against Spam (http://blog NULL.avirtualhome NULL.com/wordpress-plugins)
» Peter van der Does (url (http://blog NULL.avirtualhome NULL.com/))
This plugin gives you the ability to block spammers before content is served.
Bad Behavior (https://bad-behavior NULL.ioerror NULL.us/)
» Michael Hampton (url (https://bad-behavior NULL.ioerror NULL.us/))
Deny automated spambots access to your PHP-based Web site.
Broken Link Checker (https://wordpress NULL.org/plugins/broken-link-checker/)
» WPMU DEV (url (https://premium NULL.wpmudev NULL.org/))
Checks your blog for broken links and missing images and notifies you on the dashboard if any are found.
CodeColorer (https://kpumuk NULL.info/projects/wordpress-plugins/codecolorer/)
» Dmytro Shteflyuk (url (https://kpumuk NULL.info/))
This plugin allows you to insert code snippets to your posts with nice syntax highlighting powered by GeSHi library. After enabling this plugin visit the options page to configure code style.
Contextual Related Posts (https://webberzone NULL.com/plugins/contextual-related-posts/)
» WebberZone (url (https://webberzone NULL.com))
Display a set of related posts on your website or in your feed. Increase reader retention and reduce bounce rates
Counterize Revamped
» Hikari (url)
Cross-references (http://wordpress NULL.org/extend/plugins/cross-references-plugin)
» Francesc Hervada-Sala (url (http://francesc NULL.hervada NULL.cat/))
Insert cross-references between posts or pages with [cref postID], such as [cref 1], or optionally with [cref post-slug], for example [cref hello-world], and get all backward references automatically at the end of each post or page.
Custom Permalinks (http://atastypixel NULL.com/blog/wordpress/plugins/custom-permalinks/)
» Michael Tyson (url (http://atastypixel NULL.com/blog))
Set custom permalinks on a per-post basis
Exec-PHP (http://bluesome NULL.net/post/2005/08/18/50/)
» Sören Weber (url (http://bluesome NULL.net))
Executes <?php ?> code in your posts, pages and text widgets.
FeedBurner FeedSmith (http://www NULL.feedburner NULL.com/fb/a/help/wordpress_quickstart)
» FeedBurner (url (http://www NULL.feedburner NULL.com))
Originally authored by Steve Smith, this plugin detects all ways to access your original WordPress feeds and redirects them to your FeedBurner feed so you can track every possible subscriber.
Google Adsense widget
» Otto (url (http://ottodestruct NULL.com))
Like the Text widget, but specifically for Google Adsense blocks. Up to 4 instances of this widget may exist (since Google only allows 3 ads and one link block on a page). Heavily derived from the Text widget code included with the widget plugin by Automattic, Inc.
Hikari Canonical Domains
» Hikari (url)
You can have multiple domains over the same site, without affecting you SEO.
Hikari Category Permalink
» Hikari (url)
You can choose which category will be used in posts permalinks, instead of Wordpress default one!
Hikari Enhanced Comments
» Hikari (url)
Comments are enhanced with new features that make them more visible and becoming more exciting in website structure.
Hikari Featured Comments
» Hikari (url)
Adds 3 new custom fields to comments, allowing you to add special properties to each of them.
Hikari HoneyPot
» Hikari (url)
Hikari HoneyPot
Hikari Internal Links
» Hikari (url)
Hikari Internal Links provides a shortcode that dynamically generates to most Wordpress pages, like posts, comments, categories, feeds.
Hikari Krumo
» Hikari (url)
Krumo is a debugging tool equivalent to print_r() and var_dump(), with the advantage of collapsing array and object values so that it takes less space and let us see only what we really need from complex data.
Hikari Multipages Duplication Fix
» Hikari (url)
Hikari Multipages Duplication Fix
Hikari Semantic Diagnostics
» Hikari (url)
Hikari Semantic Tag Cloud
» Hikari (url)
Hikari Semantic Tag Cloud
Hikari Smart Archives
» Hikari (url)
You can choose which category will be used in posts permalinks, instead of Wordpress default one!
Hikari Spoiler
» Hikari (url)
Hikari Subscribe to Comments
» Hikari (url)
Uses emails to notifies visitors of new comments.
Hikari Table of Contents
» Hikari (url)
Hikari Table of Contents
Hikari Titled Comments
» Hikari (url)
Hikari Titled Comments enables each comment to have a title, so that commentators can give a subject meaning to their comments.
Hikari Unicornified Gravatars
» Hikari (url)
Converts avatars from people that don’t have a Gravatar, into customized unicorns.
My Category Order (http://www NULL.geekyweekly NULL.com/mycategoryorder)
» Andrew Charlton (url (http://www NULL.geekyweekly NULL.com))
My Category Order allows you to set the order in which categories will appear in the sidebar. Uses a drag and drop interface for ordering. Adds a widget with additional options for easy installation on widgetized themes.
My Page Order (http://www NULL.geekyweekly NULL.com/mypageorder)
» Andrew Charlton (url (http://www NULL.geekyweekly NULL.com))
My Page Order allows you to set the order of pages through a drag and drop interface. The default method of setting the order page by page is extremely clumsy, especially with a large number of pages.
Numbered Comments (http://granimpetu NULL.com/numbered-comments)
» Horacio Bella (url (http://granimpetu NULL.com))
Add the number of each comment and count the total of the post and blog
Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu (http://planetozh NULL.com/blog/my-projects/wordpress-admin-menu-drop-down-css/)
» Ozh (url (http://ozh NULL.org/))
All admin links available in a neat horizontal drop down menu. Saves lots of screen real estate! For WordPress 4.0+
Pagebar2 (http://www NULL.elektroelch NULL.de/hacks/wp/pagebar)
» Lutz Schröer (url (http://elektroelch NULL.de/blog))
Adds an advanced page navigation to Wordpress.
Permalink Redirect (http://scott NULL.yang NULL.id NULL.au/code/permalink-redirect/)
» Scott Yang (url (http://scott NULL.yang NULL.id NULL.au/))
Permalink Redirect ensures that pages and entries are always accessed via the permalink. Otherwise, a 301 redirect will be issued.
Popularity Contest (http://alexking NULL.org/projects/wordpress)
» Crowd Favorite (url (http://crowdfavorite NULL.com))
This will enable ranking of your posts by popularity; using the behavior of your visitors to determine each post’s popularity. You set a value (or use the default value) for every post view, comment, etc. and the popularity of your posts is calculated based on those values. Once you have activated the plugin, you can configure the Popularity Values and View Reports. You can also use the included Widgets and Template Tags to display post popularity and lists of popular posts on your blog.
Pretty Link (http://blairwilliams NULL.com/pretty-link)
» Blair Williams (url (http://blairwilliams NULL.com))
Shrink, track and share any URL on the Internet from your WordPress website!
Simple Tags (https://github NULL.com/herewithme/simple-tags)
» Amaury BALMER (url (http://www NULL.herewithme NULL.fr))
Extended Tagging for WordPress : Terms suggestion, Mass Edit Terms, Auto link Terms, Ajax Autocompletion, Click Terms, Advanced manage terms, etc.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved (https://alex NULL.blog/wordpress-plugins/syntaxhighlighter/)
» Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) (url (https://alex NULL.blog/))
Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. Uses Alex Gorbatchev’s SyntaxHighlighter. Includes a new editor block.
Where did they go from here (http://ajaydsouza NULL.com/wordpress/plugins/where-did-they-go-from-here/)
» Ajay D'Souza (url (http://ajaydsouza NULL.com/))
Show “Readers who viewed this page, also viewed” links on your page. Much like Amazon.com’s product pages. Based on the plugin by Mark Ghosh.
WordPress Easy Contents (http://crispijnverkade NULL.nl/blog/wordpress-easy-contents)
» Crispijn Verkade (url (http://crispijnverkade NULL.nl/))
WordPress Easy Contents will create an table of contents for your WordPress Blog posts
Wordpress Navigation List Plugin NAVT (http://atalayastudio NULL.com)
» Greg Bellucci (url (http://gbellucci NULL.us))
Create, organize and manage your web site navigation by logically grouping your pages, categories and user’s via a drag’n drop interface. Manage your navigation lists from the NAVT Lists menu tab in the Manage menu.
WP-Cumulus (http://www NULL.roytanck NULL.com/2008/03/15/wp-cumulus-released)
» Roy Tanck (url (http://www NULL.roytanck NULL.com))
Flash based Tag Cloud for WordPress
WP-Matomo (http://wordpress NULL.org/extend/plugins/wp-piwik/)
» André Bräkling (url (https://www NULL.braekling NULL.de))
Adds Matomo statistics to your WordPress dashboard and is also able to add the Matomo Tracking Code to your blog.
WP-PluginsUsed (http://lesterchan NULL.net/portfolio/programming/php/)
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url (http://lesterchan NULL.net))
Display WordPress plugins that you currently have (both active and inactive) onto a post/page.
WP-PostViews (http://lesterchan NULL.net/portfolio/programming/php/)
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url (http://lesterchan NULL.net))
Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed. Modified by David Potter to include options for when and where to display view counts.
WP-Sticky (http://lesterchan NULL.net/portfolio/programming/php/)
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url (http://lesterchan NULL.net))
Adds a sticky post feature to your WordPress’s blog. Modified from Adhesive by Owen Winkler.
WP System Health (http://www NULL.code-styling NULL.de/english/development/wordpress-plugin-wp-system-health-en)
» Heiko Rabe (url (http://www NULL.code-styling NULL.de/english/))
Comprehensive Overview for your WordPress Parameter and Server Performance.
Inactive Plugins
404 Notifier (http://alexking NULL.org/projects/wordpress)
» Alex King (url (http://alexking NULL.org))
This plugin will log 404 hits on your site and can notify you via e-mail or you can subscribe to the generated RSS feed of 404 events. Adjust your settings here.
cforms (http://www NULL.deliciousdays NULL.com/cforms-plugin)
» Oliver Seidel (url (http://www NULL.deliciousdays NULL.com))
cformsII offers unparalleled flexibility in deploying contact forms across your blog. Features include: comprehensive SPAM protection, Ajax support, Backup & Restore, Multi-Recipients, Role Manager support, Database tracking and many more. Please see ____HISTORY.txt for what’s new and current bugfixes.
CKEditor for WordPress (http://wordpress NULL.ckeditor NULL.com/)
» CKSource (url (http://cksource NULL.com/))
Replaces the default WordPress editor with CKEditor
Domain Mirror (http://mcaleavy NULL.org/code/domain-mirror/)
» Dave McAleavy (url (http://mcaleavy NULL.org))
Allows Wordpress to be used with mirrored domains. Go to the options page to configure.
Dunstan's Time Since (http://binarybonsai NULL.com/wordpress/timesince)
» Michael Heilemann & Dunstan Orchard (url (http://binarybonsai NULL.com))
Tells the time between the entry being posted and the comment being made.
Google XML Sitemaps (http://www NULL.arnebrachhold NULL.de/redir/sitemap-home/)
» Arne Brachhold (url (http://www NULL.arnebrachhold NULL.de/))
This plugin improves SEO using sitemaps for best indexation by search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others.
Hello Dolly (http://wordpress NULL.org/plugins/hello-dolly/)
» Matt Mullenweg (url (http://ma NULL.tt/))
This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from Hello, Dolly in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.
Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator
» Hikari (url)
Email and normal links are obfuscated, hiding them from spambots. It automatically encodes each link, then uses JavaScript to decode and show them.
Hikari Free HTML
» Hikari (url)
Hikari Hooks Troubleshooter
» Hikari (url)
Creates a draggable window with informations about all functions hooked to Wordpress actions and filters, so that we can follow what is being run on each hook.
Hikari MultiSite Cache
» Hikari (url)
Hikari MultiSite Cache implements file persistance for Wordpress Object Cache, with full MultiSite support, little overhead when switch_blog() is used and great statsistics for debugging
Hikari Superfish
» Hikari (url)
Hikari Superfish
Hikari Tools Framework
» Hikari (url)
A plugin development framework with a lot of reusable code and a nice settings page builder
Maintenance Mode (http://sw-guide NULL.de/wordpress/plugins/maintenance-mode/)
» Michael Wöhrer (url (http://sw-guide NULL.de/))
Adds a splash page to your blog that lets visitors know your blog is down for maintenance. Logged in administrators get full access to the blog including the front-end. Navigate to Settings → Maintenance Mode to get started.
Optimal Title (http://elasticdog NULL.com/2004/09/optimal-title/)
» Aaron Schaefer (url (http://elasticdog NULL.com/))
Mirrors the function of wp_title() exactly, but moves the position of the ‘separator’ to after the title rather than before.
Use Google Libraries (http://jasonpenney NULL.net/wordpress-plugins/use-google-libraries/)
» Jason Penney (url (http://jasonpenney NULL.net/))
Allows your site to use common javascript libraries from Google’s AJAX Libraries CDN, rather than from Wordpress’s own copies.
WP-EMail (http://lesterchan NULL.net/portfolio/programming/php/)
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url (http://lesterchan NULL.net))
Allows people to recommand/send your WordPress blog’s post/page to a friend.
WP-Print (http://lesterchan NULL.net/portfolio/programming/php/)
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url (http://lesterchan NULL.net))
Displays a printable version of your WordPress blog’s post/page.

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